Tuesday, July 24, 2007

I suck at this!

I had all the intentions of getting on here everyday and tracking my progress....however, for some reason when I try to log on at work my computer freaks out, and I just don't have a lot of time in the evenings.

Any-who....I'm doing good working out really hard. My Reiki lady suggested that I do a 5 day cleanse and day 1 was easy, day 2 (today) not so easy. I have a serious head ache and I think my body needs some kind of carb or something....I'm hoping the next 3 days get easier.

Today was cardio day and I had a great session on my spin bike, I haven't done that in a long time. My motivation is really high right now, a certain HOTTIE has promised that he, along with some other guys will do WHATEVER I want if I win the summer tracker challenge...seriously....does it take much more than that?

Don't be a hater Deb aka Cantstopme aka whatever, I can't remember them all....I know you saw him first, maybe he'll make the same offer to you one day! Dare to dream the dream girl.

Real quick, I have to say from the bottom of my heart - "Dear Lord Baby Jesus, let Jen on Big Brother 8 go home this week, for the mere site of here makes me ill"

Thursday, July 19, 2007

My ring, we did it kinda backward, the eternity band was actually the engagement ring, and the platinum and THE MOST AMAZING sapphires ever was the wedding ring...I was not allowed to see the ring until the day of the wedding! I was so excited to see what he had picked, and I must say HE DONE GOOD!!! I love it!

Me and Trine (my birth mom - the date is wrong, this is acutally the night before the wedding at the rehersal dinner 6/8/07)

Day 4 of 84

What up? So eating is going well, workouts are awesome. I'm still beyond sore from LBWO on Monday and not tooooo bad from UBWO yesterday. Chest is pretty sore though.

I could go on and on.....however I was told this by a dear friend:

"Unless you start blogging about wedding crap or something over the top juicy gossipy shit, whatcha got to blog about. Do something, make me want to cum there"

What can I say.....how do I say it??? I'm at a total loss here. Wedding crap - well I don't like the necklace you are considering...but thats just my opinion. I think you look great in your dress though.

Juicy gossip? Ummmm aaaaaaa ummmmm I heard it said that in 8 short weeks a particular someone we know is going to try to trump the current reigning "Internet Whore" (we all know who holds that title) and shock the blogger land with her pictures...can't tell you who though.

Make you cum..........here..........I sincerely doubt I would ever be able to make that happen since I don't have my liquor license yet.

Peace out my homies (totally kidding I just like to sound cool)

(did it work?)

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Lets get started....

Ok, I am on day 3 of 84. I started a new "Tracker Summer Challenge" on Monday. So far so good. Blue says I need to NOT, I repeat, NOT take free days to win the challenge. I'm starting to think he hates me! Sniffle Sniffle!!

Knowing full good and well that I sound like a broken record (and no one hates that crap more than me) I am ready to do this...I've had my fun for two months now, eating anything I wanted, having margaritas nightly....and I have put on over 10 pounds because of it....

No point humiliating myself further and posting my before pics here, they are on tracker if you want a really good laugh! (F you)

Also, this is MY blog right? So if I want to cuss I just might do this...I'm no "goody goody" and don't want to pretend to be...so in the future if you come here be prepared to be offended...you don't like it don't come here....I have a potty mouth (I know when and when not to use it) and we are all adults (I hope)...so you have been warned!

Now I have LOTS to do! Enough of this for now! Have a great day...and get ready to be amazed!

My Family!